The long-awaited and rumored release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 has been confirmed. It's scheduled to be debuted March 14th. The new S4 should come out as the same price as when the S3 first came out, at an estimated 700-800 US dollars.But with Google's Nexus 4 still on the market, Samsung just might have to lower their prices a bit in order to compete with the popular Nexus 4.
The S4's eight-core design is actually based on AMD, which basically means that there are 4 powerful A15 cores for powerful processing speeds. There are also four lower power cores, the Cortex-A7, for the S4 to use when it doesn't need the A15 cores, thus expanding battery life.
The S4 will include an impressive 5-inch display with a high-resolution of 1920x1080, with a ppi of around 440, which is actually much better than Apple's Retina Display.
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